Providing refugees with access to fine arts and musical education


raised for music and fine art scholarships for refugees.


Thrive Refuge is a student-led non-profit organization established in Vancouver, BC. As humanitarian crises and challenges affect the livelihoods of individuals across the world, Thrive Refuge seeks to help. Our mission is to provide incoming refugees access to fine arts and musical education.

“Thrive Refuge aims to assist refugees coming into Canada by providing them with a musical education, allowing them to thrive, not just survive. Around the world, people are suffering. Growing humanitarian crises are not only pushing refugees out of their homes, but destroying one’s way of life. In places such as Syria, Afghanistan, or Ukraine, access to music and other forms of art are extremely limited, so that there is no longer any comfort in one’s life. Getting these people out of their situation is one goal - being able to help them here in Canada is another. For me, being able to help these refugees in my area of expertise —music— is what Thrive Refuge really is.

— Ray Zhang, Founder