Timeline of Events

Refugee Support Program

The Refugee Support Program is a project providing incoming refugees access to music education in Canada.

To Thrive is To Listen

Our “To Thrive is To Listen” Charity Concert was the opening night of our Thrive Refuge’s fundraising concert series. Our goal was to raise $50,000 for a musical education bursary created in partnership with the Immigration Services Society of British Columbia.

Thrive Refuge and ISSofBC Bursary Award

Storytelling Assembly

Thrive Refuge held a storytelling assembly featuring Oleksandr (Sasha) Luchkov at West Point Grey Academy. Students were able to learn about the mission of Thrive Refuge as well as hear about Sasha’s story of escaping Ukraine.

United Nations Visit

In the summer of 2022, our team met with the Honourable Richard Arbeiter in New York to share Thrive Refuge’s mission.

VYPC 10 Anniversay Concert

The Vancouver Youth Piano Club (VYPC) held its 10th Anniversary Concert on May 7th, 2023. Young pianists had the opportunity to listen to Sasha Luchkov perform.

2023 Fulbright Canada Colloquium

Thrive Refuge was invited to share its mission in the context of the global democratic landscape at the Colloquium.

Thrive Refuge was delighted to announce the establishment of the Thrive Refuge Bursary Award of 2023. The Bursary recognizes and supports talented refugees in their pursuit of musical education and personal growth in Canada.

Concert for Peace

In 2022, Sasha Luchkov escaped Ukraine to complete his musical studies in Canada with the support of Thrive Refuge’s Refugee Support Program. Now at the UBC School of Music, Sasha looks to give back by hosting a Concert for Peace to fundraise for the Immigration Services Society of British Columbia (ISSofBC).